Saturday, December 28, 2019

An Question Of Academic Integrity - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 488 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/05/08 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Integrity Essay Did you like this example? From many years collages have face cheating and plagiarism issues all over Canada and mostly collages were not able to decide that how should we take this because collages did their best to make the students understand the subjects but many students were bond to cheating , they did not want to work hard and succeed in spite of that they wanted to copy other students work. Many institutes faced these types of problems and all this led to the making of Academic Integrity Academic Integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigor in research and academic publishing. Many collages, school and universities have been enforcing this on their students and this plays an important role in students life and it also nourishes the reputation of that respective institute. These rules and regulations try to make an impression on students mind that cheating is not good for them and all that strictness also gives them a sense of fear that pulled them away from copying other students work and it not only helps the student who cheats but it also gives the student a lesson who makes him cheat because the rules are same for both the people who cheats and also for who makes him cheat. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An Question Of Academic Integrity" essay for you Create order After all this restrictions and rules, the fundamental academic work you will do will reflect youre your responsible behavior and honesty. And occasionally you will fell. Overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to accomplish, it may give you a lot amount of stress because sometimes you have to submit many assignments at a time but after all the work will be done by your own knowledge then you will feel confident about the work you did and it will pay you sooner or later because knowledge is one thing that will always help you. Its always for you own good One of the disadvantages of Academic Integrity is that it requires the comprehensive support of management to be effective. If the members of the management decide to apply their own version of ethics to the way they manage their subjects, then the clash of principles can cause confusion in the schools. For example, a teacher decides to give marks to the person who is plagiarizing others work then it is a harm or if she is not stopping the student who is cheating in the test then it is unfair to other students and also to the career of the student who is cheating. These kinds of things happen to undermine the whole system. The other disadvantage of this is that developing, implementing and maintaining an ethics compliance program within your organization can be expensive and time-consuming. Ethics policies need to be continually updated to reflect the changes in the collage laws and changes in your company culture as the organization.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Crime Scenes Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Essay - 1467 Words

As seen on many crime shows and in real-life crime scenes, it is necessary to be able to identify DNA. Most of the time, this is done using a technique known as gel electrophoresis. Gel electrophoresis is a method used to separate the macromolecules that make up nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, along with proteins. Gel electrophoresis is significant because it has given scientists insight on what cells cause certain diseases and has led to advancements in DNA and fingerprint identification. My experiment will use gel electrophoresis to compare the separation of food dye in different agarose concentrations. The background for this experiment includes the following subjects: inventors, real-world uses, necessary components, separation,†¦show more content†¦This theory was formulated in 1970 and is one of the most recent on the topic of gel electrophoresis. The National Academy of Science states, The behavior of macromolecules in gel filtration and gel electrophoresis may b e predicted from Ogstons model for random mesh work of fibers. This model has been generalized to apply to non-spherical molecules and to several gel types. The theory defines conditions for optimal separation and optimal resolution in gel electrophoresis and gel filtration (Unified Theory for Gel Electrophoresis and Gel Filtration). There are a few components that compose a gel electrophoresis chamber. First of all, there is a chamber used to contain the gel. The gel used in my experiment will be made from agarose. In order to create an electric field, there are positive and negative electrodes attached to a power source. My experiment will use alligator clips as the electrodes and nine-volt batteries as the power source. A buffer solution, in this case a 1% solution of baking soda, submerges the gel to allow the ions to carry through and maintain the stability of the Ph levels. A comb is used to generate wells inside of the gel to hold the samples. The comb will be made of styrofo am (Forensic Science: Building Your Own Tool For Identifying DNA). Proteins, or nucleic acids, are isolated and separated within a gel. The gel is cast in a thin, welled slab. In this particular experiment, the gel will beShow MoreRelatedDNA And Short Tandem Repeats1326 Words   |  6 Pagesanalysis as it allows one to use negligible pieces of DNA such as a splatter of blood for evidence. In order to separate the DNA, the samples must undergo the process of Electrophoresis. The purpose of this lab is to use VNTR length analysis obtained from gel electrophoresis to determine innocence between two potential suspects in a crime. In this lab, evidence DNA and the DNA samples of two different suspects were available. Two restriction enzyme digests were conducted to cut the samples into smallerRead MoreThe Bacterial Strain Responsible For Causing The New Disease Using Techniques2031 Words   |  9 PagesAbstract Restriction fragment length polymorphism utilizes restriction endonucleases and gel electrophoresis to confirm the similarity of several DNA samples. Fragments formed by restriction digest of the DNA molecules of several samples are run on an agarose gel; samples containing the same DNA will exhibit similar band patterns. For the investigation of an aggressive infectious disease caused by a new strain of bacteria that has acquired multiple resistance plasmids from other bacterial strainsRead MoreDetermining Who Boy # 1 s Biological Parents Are With The Use Of Dna Fingerprinting1136 Words   |  5 Pagesday to determine whose parents or siblings are whose, it is used in crime scenes to determine who was at the scene, can be used to determine where a certain inherited gene is inherited from and it can be used to identify a body that is deceased. During electrophoresis an electric current passes through the agarose gel, therefore moving the DNA samples through the gel. The smaller the DNA fragment the faster it moves through the gel. The finished product will look like a series of bands, some will matchRead MoreTransformation And Electrophoresis Lab Report1750 Words   |  7 PagesSingee Nguyen Transformation and Electrophoresis Lab Report Purposes Discuss the principles of bacterial transformation. 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The reaction tubes were submerged in a 37 °C, ice water, for 45 minutes. Once complete, 5 ul of 10x gel loading solution was added to all 6 of the microtest tubes. Refer to Tabl e 1 for a quickRead MoreUsing Gel Electrophoresis And Dna Fingerprinting To Analyze2108 Words   |  9 Pages Using Gel Electrophoresis and DNA Fingerprinting to analyze DNA samples Laquandria M. Gibson April 14, 2017 BSC2010L Section #22 Sarah Ellmallah Introduction All cells contain a complex structure known as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA is a chemical that determines how we are. The multiple combinations of its components are what makes a difference in each person. Long molecules of DNA are organized into chromosomes, which are grouped into 23 pairs. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Congress Paper free essay sample

This Senate simulation will place students in the role of a senator. The main goal of this simulation is to pass various bills and get the President to sign them into law. The process in which a bill becomes a law is complex. Partisanship and clashing ideologies and egos do not make the process smooth. We will try to examine the most vital aspects of the process. This Senate Simulation will be divided into 5 parts: 1 . ) Bill Writing Committee- Groups of 3-6 will research and write a bill. The group will use the blank bill provided in the packet. The group must make the bill in the spirit of the topic. (e. g. a group should not make a Bailout Ban bill that allows for more assault weapons. If a member of the group does not support this stance, they can later act against it but for the sake of the bill writing committee every member should try to make the strongest bill possible. Here are the topics of the bills. Please download the document(s) and keep in your binder (#): BILL TOPICS RESOURCES (PROS AND CONS) Please download the sample bill and instructions (only if you havent finished writing your bill): Sample Bill and info (# ) . Party Caucus- The class will be split into two parties- Republicans and Democrats. The Party Caucus is basically a meeting of the members in a particular party in which they discuss aspects of bills and choose leadership roles. a. ) Each member will be assigned a seniority number (which helps determine which committee and position you want to be), a state which they represent, and information about how the members state stands on issues. b. ) After the bills have been completed, the parties will meet with their respective parties and pick their leaders. We will try to mimic the 12th Congress in which the Democrats control the Senate and thus have the majority leadership positions and the chairpersons roles. Democrats will need to pick their majority leader (conducts the business of the party and facilitates) and majority whip (makes sure all members of the party are following the partys dictates). Republicans will have to pick their minority leader and whip. c. ) The parties must also choose their 3 committee chairpersons (for Dem. ) [ranking members (for Rep. ) (one for each of the 3 different standing committees) . Committee chairpersons onduct the and lead the business of the standing committee with the help of the ranking member. d. ) Democrats will chose a Senate Pro Tempore (in the absence of the V. P. this person will run the Senate debate. ) The Pro Tempore is the oldest member from the majority party. e. ) assign members to one of the standing committees (NOTE: members cannot serve on a standing committee that oversees the bill in which they wrote). Try to make the number of members on each committee equal. The Republicans will have to pick their minority leader and minority whip. . ) Parties will then discuss the merits of each of the bills. Since the members will be part of the standing committees, the leadership and the members should try to determine which bills to support, which bills to try to pigeonhole, and/or which bills to amend. Have all members take notes as the discussion takes place. It may also be necessary to vote on what action the members should take. 3. ) Standing Comm ittee Hearings Standing committees are the primary vehicle by which a bill is amended or reaches the floor for debate. Each committee should consider two bills, but will temporarily pigeonhole one bill shortly into the debate at the committees discretion. The teacher will initiate a deadline for each stage of the committee process in which the committee chairperson must rigorously adhere to. a. ) Standing committees hold hearings on the bill after its creation to evaluate the bills merits and possible consequences. The committee should devise questions that are deemed pertinent in understanding the issues that the bill presents. Each member should participate in the question writing and should record the questions. Each member of the committee except the bills sponsor should play a role of not only a enator, but also a witness representing an interest group and its feelings on the bill. The witness should be present at the hearings on the date and time designated by the senate committee. Committee members will sit in a horseshoe fashion facing the witnesses as they speak. The committee chairperson will lead the meeting using a gavel to maintain order. A final draft of the bill will be due after this session. 5. ) Senate Floor Debate- Bills that survived the Committee hearing process and have been marked-up will be introduced to the floor. A Senate member must make a motion to introduce a bill. The Chairperson that worked with the bill will then come up to the front and make a recommendation (either in the positive or the negative) to the Senate. The bill will be read and then debated. Amendments may be made to the bill. A motion to vote(motion previous question- voting to vote) can be made and a majority vote is needed to pass the bill. The Presidents Role: As the party caucuses and standing committees are meeting the president will flit around from caucus/committee to committee to determining the major teatures ot each bill S/ne will then write speeches in press conterences that ill enlighten the Senate of his/her stances on the bills. S/he can also make recommendations to amend, pigeonhole, or pass the bills. Since the president has leverage via the veto, his/her comments should not be ignored. The president should meet with his/her partys leaders to discuss the bills. Finally, the president will sign or veto laws passed by the Senate after the senate debates the bills. If the president vetoes a bill, a reason should be given. Remember, the Senate can override a veto. Media: May be included in the second half of the simulation at the teachers discretion. Grade: Please see Senate Simulation Grade Sheet Rubric (# ) Testimony from expert witnesses are crucial in helping Congressional committees to understand the broad issues that revolve around any particular bill. Experts who testify allow for different information and perspectives on bills that senators who are usually not as versed in a specific area. In a nutshell, the purpose of the testimony is to help educate senators who then can make a better bill. To Do: Write a 2-page typed paper based on research (closed research sources). Follow the Scholarly writing Guidelines with the exception that since you will be portraying an expert in the field, you may use the first person l in your paper. As an expert, you are to: 1 . assume youre an expert in the field . You should assume a name, background (including educational history), title (i. e. Phd. , M. D. , etc) 2. Write a 2 page essay that supports the side you were assigned. 3. Follow the structure outlined in the Scholarly Writing Guide: a. Introduction Paragraph should include: i. Thesis statement it. Context iii. Points of discussion b. Body Paragraphs i. Points of discussion topics are clearly stated and then supported c. Conclusion i. Summarize points and highlight key ideas it. Emphasis on what should be done what do you want the Senators to do? 4. VISUAL- Create a visual large enough for a small group to view (24x36 minimum) a. Include any factual graphs, pictures, quotes b. Be sure to label your visual c. Lettering must be large enough to view from a distance Please refer to the Senate Simulation Expert Writing Rubric to how you will be assessed for the writing component ot this assignment (see below) SENATE SIMULATION EXPERT PAPER RUBRIC CATEGORY 4 3 2 1-0 Thesis Thesis is clearly stated in opening paragraph. Thesis is well thought out, logical, and realistic. Thesis is clearly stated but is not clearly written or not realistic. Thesis is poorly written and is not clear. Thesis is very poorly written or missing Quality of Information (this category is worth double) Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and textual examples that support the thesis. Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and textual examples that support the thesis. Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given. Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic. Organization Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings/ points of discussion. Concluding paragraph has clear guidance for action for the Senators. .Paper is at least 2 pages in length. Personal background is stated. Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs. Points of discussion evident.. There is a guidance for action for the Senators. Paper is 2 pages in length. Personal background is stated. Information is organized, but paragraphs are not well- constructed. Missing important points of discussion. No guidance for action is evident in the concluding paragraph. Paper is less than 2 pages in length. Personal background is sparse or missing. The information appears to be disorganized. No guidance for action in the concluding paragraph. Paper is less than 2 pages in length. Personal background is sparse or missing. Paragraph Construction All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence. Most paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence. Paragraphs included related information but were typically ot constructed well. Paragraphing structure was not clear and sentences were not typically related within the paragraphs. Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Sources At least 3 different sources used. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in Turabian format. At least 3 sources used. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but a few are not in Turabian tormat. Less than 3 sources used. All sources (intormation and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in Turabian. Less than 3 sources used. Some sources are not accurately documented. Visual Size is at lest 24x36. Numerous facts and valid arguments are presented in graphs, quotes, statistics. Visual is informative and useful. Size is smaller than required. Some facts mentioned. Visual is generally informative and neat. Size of visual too small. Facts are vague or inaccurate. Writing is hard to read or illegible. Visual is somewhat informative. Size of visual too small. Facts are vague or inaccurate and sparse. Writing is hard to read or illegible.